The Wheel of Willing Diversion
Lawrence, Kansas 2009
I look at my horoscope in the newspaper sometimes, but not on good days. I wouldn't want to spoil a good day with a downer two—star reading. No, usually I take a peek when things feel out of whack or I haven't slept, to hopefully confirm that it's the stars’ fault and not mine. I'm a Libra, which I know has something to do with scales and balance and that seems to suit me, but It's hard to be sure when all you get is fifty words. Here's today’s four-star example: Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) ** Break past your normal patterns and do something very different. You are in a position to instrument change and take the next step in warming up a relationship. Relax with others. Tonight: Take an overview. That one's not bad. I'm just not exactly sure how to "instrument." Mostly, it seems horoscopes encourage us to: "do what you like," "stay in," “say yes," " make that important appearance," or " be with friends." I try.
Most of us, I imagine, feel the desire to take a chance and cast our fortunes to the fates every now and then. To always be in control of our decisions leaves no room for those unseen forces we need invoke when life takes unexpected turns. With this in mind, my friend Eric Farnsworth and I along with the help of the Percolators made the Wheel of Willing Diversion in 2009 for the outdoor entryway to the Spencer Museum of Art.
The instructions were straightforward.
1. Spin the wheel
2. Follow the prompt however you interpret it
3. Document your response in words, pictures, or other expressions
4. Return documentation of your adventure to the Spencer Museum
5. Join other respondents at a gathering to share our stories